This was awesome!
Great use with some of the game battle themes
This was awesome!
Great use with some of the game battle themes
Great value and quality. The second the main character started moving, it was clear the animation was going to be fluid. The movements matched perfectly with the music, especially when she nearly slipped off the couch. Having the music dull down a bit when there was a shot of the outside showing the window was a good way of keeping he intensity of the action inside.
Great wonderful job
lol The random popping up of the haters and the shippers lol That was unique. ANd having a cameo by the Ghostbusters was classic.
Awesome work
right, glad you liked it
SO funny
Nicely done. SOme characters were out of character but there were some great in-game jokes in there that fit perfectly, like not being able to move away from the screen when the goal sign is nearby and especially the lose a life and jumping on the lava to lose rings and blink parts. Sooo funny. Exellent work
This is really wonderful. It's great how when Shadow and Sonic blink, their heads nod a little.
The chracter models are great too. It actually makes everything really simple and amplifies the enjoyment with there being no music being played during the actual shorts themselves. Coming back to the 'main menu' of selections and to hear the jamming music there is a nice touch and it aids in the selecting of as many of the shorts there as possible because of the upbeat mood the music brings. That's my opinion tho ^^;;;
'How to Annoy Shadow' 'Sonic and the Balloon' and 'Shadow and the Rock' I thought were realllly funny and entertaining. The coffee and fireworks ones were good too.
Hope to see you continuing even more of these as they come to mind. ^^
Oh, and have you ever watched Family Guy? The slowly stepping away elements are used in that show quite a bit. The ones you did stirke a resmblance. Just wondering.
Shadow's hot.
Peace out.
Well from the first scene, it was exciting to see use of VANISHING POINTS!! That was greatness. That really shows an understanding in art.
Knucklnes getting duped, like he always does was allright. Him 'strangling' Sonic and the expression on Sonic's face was funny because it was still moving.
Amy's mouth animations were exquisite. Just wish she didn't go out so graphically like that, but it's your flash.
It was allright
The action animations are good, especially the one wear you have Jack ripping off the upper part of his gi, and him falling through the cracks in the ground and then falling with his hair suddenly undone was a nice touch too.
Just the song being the only song that played and just straight through the way it was took away from the mood and some of the action for me, but thats my veiw and opinion on that.
Overall it was obviously well thought out with the way the story would flow and that's commendable.
It's a cool flash vid and is great on visuals, especially in the beginning.
You really did a great job in capturing the feel and emotion of the show.
This is really amazing
The wolf was done so cleverly. The story progression was excellent. But one of hte lines that will stick with me would be the one that went something like 'even though she doubted the wolf, out of kindness, she took his advice anyway'. I know those aren't the exact quotes but, the words that were used were very gripping.
Nicely done. Do more! Please?
Just want to make a positive mark on the world and be silly along the way.
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Joined on 4/28/05